Advancement and Ranks

Each rank has its own unique workout up to and including Chief Trainer. Master and above are research and administrative levels.

Class resembles a boxing gym style workout. Students do not line up and march up and down the school. They workout in small groups at their particular color level. At each level, the student will learn new additional techniques, tactics and strategies. The way the student trains at each level will vary. The student’s capability increases with each rank. The workouts are self-paced and each student will advance when they have become proficient in that particular workout. There are no promotion tests or fees. Students will be promoted when the trainer determines they are ready to move to the next level.

We feel that this type of approach allows the student to gain a base before advancing to more complicated material. It is said that “a great fighter is phenomenal at his basics.” A beginner should not be learning the same material as a more advanced student.

The following chart displays our ranking system. These insignias are about 2 inches long and 0.5 inches high.